• Call Us: (+975) 7721 7447 | 1769 1943
  • info@rimsonet.com.bt

Dont't suffer the buffer, get super fast internet.

WiFi Connectivity, Network cabling, Internet services, CCTV & all IT enabled services.

Simple yet Stable Connectivity

No-frills, High-speed inter connectivity for Low-cost to digital villages across Bhutan

We work tirelessly to bring the Digital Evolution

For the first time in Bhutan, Like never before, Fast internet at an affordable rate, Great coverage and guranteed "No Buffer"

About US

Rimsonet thrives to bring all the power of every business.

"Access now" is a new age portable unlimited internet that help everyone to access internet even in hands without having to put on pc, laptop, etc.

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Perfect in Coverage

Live Call Support

Secured Payment

High Speed Data Rate

Our pricing plan for you

No hidden charges! choose your plan wisely.

Leased Line Package

Leased Line Package

Nu. 1200.00 / mo

  • Leased line package provided to clients for business, corporate and Govt. Companies
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Combo Packages

Combo Packages A (B2C)

Nu. 1500.00 / mo

  • Package combined with Rimsonet
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Combo Packages

Combo Packages B (B2B)

Nu. 1500.00 / mo

  • Bandwidth that can be redistributed or relayed further to other customer under distributor of Rimsonet. This package will be offered with 80% 20% sharing basis.
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Check our unbelievable super fast Internet availability in your area.

What our Client think about us!

Rimsonet WIFI is very convienent for developer like us and it's the most affordable and reliable one in town

Purna KumarDigital Bhutan

Flexible and Affordable, Great in-city coverage, uninterrupted connection and good support service

PemaBhutan Tech Solutions